Ultimate Guide to Writing Anonymous Google Reviews: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices


In today’s digital age, online reviews have become an integral part of the consumer decision-making process. In 2021, early 81% of customers visit Google reviews before making a decision of viewing any business or purchasing from them. It is up from 63.3% in 2020 making Google reviews a mandatory aspect for business growth and operations. People often rely on other’s opinion and experience to develop trust in making purchase or trying something new. But what if you want to provide honest feedback without revealing your identity? That’s where anonymous Google reviews come into play.

In recent years, anonymous Google reviews is gaining traction. This is out of ease in sharing candid thoughts and experiences without the fear of repercussions. These reviews can provide valuable insights for both consumers and businesses alike. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the world of anonymous Google reviews to understand its significance and the best practices.

Google’s Policy Change on Anonymous Reviews

Google’s stance on anonymous reviews in needed to be understood before its in-depth exploration. In the past, Google required users to have a Google+ account to leave reviews. It led reviewer’s real names and profile pictures to be displayed with their feedback. However, in 2018, Google policy change allowed users to leave reviews without a Google+ profile.

The two key factors which motivated the change are encouragement to generate more genuine and honest feedback while protecting reviewer’s privacy. Anonymous Google reviews helped to create a more inclusive and comfortable environment for users. Reviewers could share their experiences without the fear of judgment or repercussions.

The change with Google’s policy brough challenges for many businesses. Anonymous Google reviews left no direct way for businesses to connect the reviewer to resolve their issues. Moreover, some businesses became concerned of the potential for fake or misleading anonymous reviews.

Why Leave an Anonymous Google Review?

There are various reasons why someone might choose to leave an anonymous Google review. Here are a few common scenarios:

  1. Privacy concerns: Some individuals may not feel comfortable sharing their personal information online, especially if they are reviewing a sensitive topic or a business they frequently visit.
  2. Fear of retaliation: In certain cases, reviewers may worry about potential backlash from the business or its employees if they leave a negative review.
  3. Honest feedback: Anonymity can encourage people to provide more candid and truthful opinions, without the worry of how their feedback might be perceived.
  4. Whistleblowing: Anonymous Google reviews can serve as a means for employees or insiders to expose unethical or illegal practices within a company.

While anonymous Google reviews can benefit reviewers, they also offer value to businesses. Honest feedback, even if it’s negative, can help businesses identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes to enhance their products or services.

Posting Anonymous Google Reviews: A Step-by-Step Guide

Posting an anonymous Google review is relatively straightforward and effortless approach.

The Easiest Method: Changing Your Name on Google

The simplest way to post an anonymous Google review is by changing your name on your Google account. Here’s how:

For desktop users:

  1. Sign in to your Google account.
  2. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner and select “Manage your Google Account.”
  3. Click on “Personal info” in the left sidebar.
  4. Under “Basic info,” click on your name.
  5. Edit your first and/or last name to your desired pseudonym.
  6. Click “Save.”

For mobile users:

  1. Open the Google Maps app and ensure you’re signed in.
  2. Tap on your profile picture in the top right corner.
  3. Tap on “Manage your Google Account.”
  4. Tap on “Personal info.”
  5. Under “Basic info,” tap on your name.
  6. Edit your first and/or last name to your desired pseudonym.
  7. Tap “Save.”

Once you’ve changed your name, you can proceed to leave a review normally. It will appear under your pseudonym instead of your real name.

Alternative Methods for Leaving Anonymous Reviews

Another option for posting anonymous Google reviews is to create a new Google account using a pseudonym or alias. This method requires a bit more setup, but it can be a good choice. However, it is useful if you want to keep your main Google account separate from your anonymous reviews.

To create a new account:

  1. Go to accounts.google.com and click “Create account.”
  2. Follow the prompts to set up your new account, using your desired pseudonym as your name.
  3. Once your account is created, you can use it to leave anonymous Google reviews.

Keep in mind that while this method allows for more anonymity, it’s crucial to follow Google’s guidelines. Avoid creating multiple accounts to leave fake or misleading reviews.

The Impact of Anonymous Reviews on Businesses

Anonymous Google reviews can have both positive and negative impact on business. On one hand, these reviews provide valuable insights into customer experiences and help businesses identify areas for improvement. On the other hand, anonymous reviews can also be a source of frustration for businesses due to the difficulty to address and respond to them.

One of the main challenges with anonymous Google reviews is the inability of businesses to directly contact the reviewer. This can make it harder to resolve issues or gather additional information about a specific experience. Additionally, anonymous reviews can sometimes be less reliable than normal reviews. It creates no way to verify the reviewer’s identity or experience with the business.

Issues with Anonymous Google review for Businesses

So, what can businesses do to manage anonymous Google reviews? Here are a few strategies:

  1. Respond professionally: Even if you can’t directly contact the reviewer, respond to anonymous reviews professionally and courteously. Thank the reviewer for their feedback and address their raised concerns.
  2. Look for patterns: A pattern of similar anonymous reviews may indicate a larger issue that needs to be addressed. Use this feedback to make necessary changes and improvements.
  3. Encourage verified reviews: While anonymous Google reviews can be valuable, verified reviews often more reliable. You can follow-up with the customers to understand the reason of their concerns. Encourage your customers to leave reviews tied to their accounts by providing easy links or reminders. Tools like Grexa can help you streamline this process and manage your online reputation effectively.
  4. Flag inappropriate reviews: If an anonymous review violates Google’s policies (e.g., contains hate speech, is off-topic, or is clearly fake), you can flag it for removal.

By proactively managing and responding to anonymous Google reviews, businesses can turn them into opportunities for growth and improvement.

Anonymous Reviews and the Trust Economy

The rise of anonymous Google reviews is part of a larger trend towards transparency and trust in the digital landscape. In today’s online world, consumers are increasingly seeking authentic and unbiased information to guide their decisions. Anonymous reviews can contribute to this trust economy by providing a space for honest feedback without the pressure of personal identification.

However, the anonymity of these reviews also comes with certain risks. Fake or misleading anonymous reviews can erode trust and make it harder for consumers to make informed decisions. That’s why it’s crucial for both reviewers and businesses to approach anonymous reviews with integrity and a commitment to transparency.

As a reviewer, this means providing honest and constructive feedback that focuses on your genuine experience with a business. Avoid exaggeration or personal attacks, and aim to provide specific details that can help others make informed choices.

Businesses to fostering a culture of trust and transparency around anonymous reviews requires to share honest feedback and respond professionally to all reviews (even negative ones). They need to use these feedback to continuously improve and grow.

Google’s Policies and Best Practices for Anonymous Reviews

To ensure that anonymous Google reviews remain a valuable and trustworthy resource, Google has established guidelines and policies for posting reviews. Here are some key things to keep in mind:

  1. Be honest and objective: Your review should reflect your genuine experience with a business. Avoid posting fake or misleading reviews, and don’t let personal biases or ulterior motives influence your feedback.
  2. Be specific and informative: Instead of simply saying “great service” or “terrible experience,” provide specific details about what you liked or didn’t like. This will help others get a clearer picture of what to expect. As mentioned in this article by Moz, “the more descriptive and specific you can be, the more useful your review will be to others.”
  3. Keep it clean and relevant: Avoid using profanity, hate speech, or personal attacks in your review. Stay focused on your experience with the business and avoid going off-topic.
  4. Don’t post multiple reviews: Posting multiple reviews for the same business from different accounts is considered spammy behavior and can lead to your reviews being removed.
  5. Don’t solicit or accept compensation: Your reviews should be unbiased and based on your own experiences. Don’t accept money, free products, or other incentives in exchange for posting a review.

By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that your anonymous Google reviews are constructive, compliant, and beneficial to both businesses and fellow consumers.

Grexa’s Perspective on Anonymous Reviews and Trust

At Grexa, we understand the importance of anonymous reviews in building trust and transparency in the online marketplace. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to share their honest feedback without fear of retaliation or judgment.

However, we also recognize the challenges that anonymous reviews can pose for businesses. That’s why we’ve developed a suite of tools to help businesses manage and respond to anonymous feedback in a way that builds trust and fosters positive relationships with customers.

Grexa can help businesses:

  • Monitor and track anonymous reviews across multiple platforms
  • Receive alerts when new anonymous reviews are posted
  • Respond to anonymous reviews directly from the Grexa dashboard
  • Analyze sentiment and trends in anonymous feedback to identify areas for improvement
  • Encourage verified reviews from satisfied customers to balance out anonymous feedback

By leveraging Grexa’s tools and expertise, businesses can turn anonymous reviews into valuable opportunities for growth and improvement, while still maintaining a strong focus on trust and transparency.


Anonymous Google reviews can be a powerful tool for sharing honest feedback and helping others make informed decisions. By following the tips and best practices outlined in this guide, you can write anonymous reviews that are constructive, informative, and beneficial to both businesses and consumers.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, anonymous reviews are likely to play a significant role in the trust economy. A honest, transparent and committed approach to it would ghelp businesses create a more trustworthy and reliable online marketplace.

So go ahead and share your honest feedback – your anonymous review could make a real difference in someone’s decision-making process. Just remember to keep it constructive, specific, and focused on your genuine experience. Happy reviewing!

Can businesses see who left an anonymous review?

No, businesses cannot see the identity of someone who left an anonymous review. However, they can see the content of the review and any other information the reviewer chose to include.

Can I leave an anonymous review without creating a Google account?

No, you need to have a Google account to leave a review, even if it’s anonymous. However, you can create a new account using a pseudonym if you don’t want to use your main account.

What should I do if a business asks me to remove my anonymous review?

If a business contacts you and asks you to remove your review, you are under no obligation to do so. However, if you feel threatened or harassed, you can report the business to Google for violating their policies.

Can I edit or delete my anonymous review after posting it?

Yes, you can edit or delete your review at any time by going to your Google Maps contributions and selecting the review you want to modify.

What happens if Google removes my anonymous review?

If Google determines that your review violates their policies, they may remove it from the platform. If this happens, you’ll receive a notification from Google explaining why the review was removed.